These are conventions that are used throughout the UFO.
Allowed Content Types
UFOs may contain only plain files or directories. Symlinks are not allowed anywhere, as they increase the amount of edge cases implementations have to handle without clear benefit, while complicating data exchange across different platforms.
XML Property Lists
XML property lists are used throughout this specification. A DTD is available.
It is recommended, but not required, that dictionaries in property lists be written in ascending order based on the keys of the dictionary. This makes UFO usage more convenient in revision control systems, among other things.
Coordinate System
Coordinates and transformations in the UFO are relative to the origin (x=0 and y=0), the positive x-axis points towards the right and the positive y-axis points up, unless otherwise noted.
Data Types
These types are used throughout the UFO specification.
While efforts have been made to define how many of the values in various UFO files relate to binary files such as OpenType, it is the responsibility of authoring tools to ensure the UFO values convert to said binary values appropriately. For example, in OpenType many fields require unsigned short integers, but a UFO may contain values for these fields that are greater than 65,535.
A string is specified with one or more characters encoded with the encoding scheme defined for the XML file that the string belongs to. The range of characters allowed in a given string field in the UFO may be limited. In these cases the specification defines the available subset.
An integer is specified with an optional sign character (“+” or “-“) followed by one or more digits “0” to “9”. There is not limit to the number of integer digits. If a sign character is not present, the number is non-negative.
non-negative integer
An integer greater than or equal to zero. See above for integer notation.
A float is specified with an optional sign character (“+” or “-“) followed by zero or more digits “0” to “9” followed by a period “.” followed by one or more digits “0” to “9”. There is no limit to the number of digits before or after the decimal. If a sign character is not present, the number is non-negative. Only normal and zero float types are allowed; NaN, infinite, and subnormal floats are disallowed.
Authoring tools should not write floats that can be represented losslessly as integers unless the specification requires a float.
non-negative float
A float greater than or equal to zero. See above for float notation.
An collection of items. The items are ordered, however the order is insignificant unless otherwise stated for a particular list in this specification.
A dictionary is an unordered associative array mapping keys to values. In the XML property lists used throughout the UFO, the keys must be strings. Values may be any type, though the options are defined throughout this specification.
color definition
A color definition is defined as a string containing a comma-separated sequence of four integers or floats between 0 and 1. White space characters are allowed around the numerical values. The values in the string define the red, green, blue and alpha components of the color. The color is always specified in the sRGB color space.
string | red component | green component | blue component | alpha component |
1,0,0,1 | 1.0 | 0 | 0 | 1.0 |
0,.5,0,.5 | 0 | 0.5 | 0 | 0.5 |
control characters
Any character with a Unicode value in the ranges of U+0000—U+001F (C0 controls), U+007F (delete), and U+0080—U+009F (C1 controls).
Reverse Domain Naming Schemes
In several places in the UFO the reverse domain naming system is recommended for creating unique keys and ids. To make a reverse domain, reverse the relevant Internet domain. For example, if the Internet domain is, the reverse domain name would be org.unifiedfontobject. Further extensions to make the string unique may be added. For example, org.unifiedfontobject.MySpecialTool.
The name public.*, where * represents an arbitrary string of one or more characters, is reserved for use by data structures that are part of the UFO specification.
Common User Name to File Name Algorithm
There is no standard user name to file name conversion. The algorithm below is an example of a common conversion process. It has been designed to avoid name clashes and work with common file systems. It applies the following rules:
- Filenames must be unique.
- Filenames must be case insensitive.
- Filenames may use any character that can be represented by UTF-8 except the ones that are reserved across a variety of popular filesystems.
- Filenames must be no longer than 255 characters.
- Filenames, regardless of extension and case, must not match any of the Windows reserved file names.
- Filenames must be valid Unicode strings.
- name is the user name without any required prefix or suffix.
- maximum length is 255 minus the length of a prefix and/or suffix that will be added to the name.
- Perform a generic translation of the name without consideration for existing names:
- Replace any illegal characters in name with underscores, where the illegal characters are:
(U+007C) and anything in the ASCII control character range (U+0000–U+001F inclusive and U+007F). - Insert an underscore immediately after any uppercase character.
- If the name begins with a period and a prefix will not be added to the name, replace the period with an underscore.
- If the revised name is longer than maximum length:
- Remove as many characters from the end of name as needed to make name no longer than maximum length.
- Replace any illegal characters in name with underscores, where the illegal characters are:
- Use period as a delimiter to split name into parts. For every one of these parts:
- If a case-insensitive version of part is in the list of Windows reserved file names, where the illegal filenames are: CON, CLOCK$, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, and LPT9:
- Insert an underscore at the beginning of the part.
- Rejoin all of the parts with periods as needed.
- Insert an underscore before the start of the illegal filename.
- If a case-insensitive version of name is unique:
- Stop.
- If a case-insensitive version of name is not unique:
- Remove as many characters from the end of name as needed to make name no longer than maximum length minus 15.
- Starting with 000000000000001, add 15 zero filled characters to the name.
- If a case-insensitive version of name is unique:
- Stop.
- Otherwise increment the number by 1 and repeat until a case-insensitive unique name is found or 999999999999999 is reached.
- If a case-insensitive version of name is not unique:
- number is 1.
- name is number.
- If name is unique:
- Stop.
- Otherwise increment number by 1 and repeat until a unique name is found or all possible numbers in a string maximum length long has been reached.
- If name is not unique:
- Raise an error and let the user know that after trying more than 10255 names, nothing unique could be found.
glyph name | file name |
a | a |
A | A_ |
AE | A_E_ |
Ae | A_e |
ae | ae |
aE | aE_ |
a.alt | a.alt |
A.alt | A_.alt |
A.Alt | A_.A_lt |
A.aLt | A_.aL_t |
A.alT | A_.alT_ |
T_H | T__H_ |
T_h | T__h |
t_h | t_h |
F_F_I | F__F__I_ |
f_f_i | f_f_i |
Aacute_V.swash | A_acute_V_.swash |
.notdef | _notdef |
con | _con |
CON | C_O_N_ |
con.alt | _con.alt |
alt.con | alt._con |
Example implementation:
illegalCharacters = "\" * + / : < > ? [ \ ] | \0".split(" ")
illegalCharacters += [chr(i) for i in range(1, 32)]
illegalCharacters += [chr(0x7F)]
reservedFileNames = "CON PRN AUX CLOCK$ NUL A:-Z: COM1".lower().split(" ")
reservedFileNames += "LPT1 LPT2 LPT3 COM2 COM3 COM4".lower().split(" ")
maxFileNameLength = 255
def userNameToFileName(userName, existing=[], prefix="", suffix=""):
existing should be a case-insensitive list
of all existing file names.
>>> userNameToFileName(u"a")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"A")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"AE")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"Ae")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"ae")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"aE")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"a.alt")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"A.alt")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"A.Alt")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"A.aLt")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"A.alT")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"T_H")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"T_h")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"t_h")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"F_F_I")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"f_f_i")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"Aacute_V.swash")
>>> userNameToFileName(u".notdef")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"con")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"CON")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"con.alt")
>>> userNameToFileName(u"alt.con")
# the incoming name must be a unicode string
assert isinstance(userName, unicode),
"The value for userName must be a unicode string."
# establish the prefix and suffix lengths
prefixLength = len(prefix)
suffixLength = len(suffix)
# replace an initial period with an _
# if no prefix is to be added
if not prefix and userName[0] == ".":
userName = "_" + userName[1:]
# filter the user name
filteredUserName = []
for character in userName:
# replace illegal characters with _
if character in illegalCharacters:
character = "_"
# add _ to all non-lower characters
elif character != character.lower():
character += "_"
userName = "".join(filteredUserName)
# clip to 255
sliceLength = maxFileNameLength - prefixLength - suffixLength
userName = userName[:sliceLength]
# test for illegal files names
parts = []
for part in userName.split("."):
if part.lower() in reservedFileNames:
part = "_" + part
userName = ".".join(parts)
# test for clash
fullName = prefix + userName + suffix
if fullName.lower() in existing:
fullName = handleClash1(userName, existing, prefix, suffix)
# finished
return fullName
def handleClash1(userName, existing=[], prefix="", suffix=""):
existing should be a case-insensitive list
of all existing file names.
>>> prefix = ("0" * 5) + "."
>>> suffix = "." + ("0" * 10)
>>> existing = ["a" * 5]
>>> e = list(existing)
>>> handleClash1(userName="A" * 5, existing=e,
... prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)
>>> e = list(existing)
>>> e.append(prefix + "aaaaa" + "1".zfill(15) + suffix)
>>> handleClash1(userName="A" * 5, existing=e,
... prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)
>>> e = list(existing)
>>> e.append(prefix + "AAAAA" + "2".zfill(15) + suffix)
>>> handleClash1(userName="A" * 5, existing=e,
... prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)
# if the prefix length + user name length + suffix length + 15 is at
# or past the maximum length, silce 15 characters off of the user name
prefixLength = len(prefix)
suffixLength = len(suffix)
if prefixLength + len(userName) + suffixLength + 15 > maxFileNameLength:
l = (prefixLength + len(userName) + suffixLength + 15)
sliceLength = maxFileNameLength - l
userName = userName[:sliceLength]
finalName = None
# try to add numbers to create a unique name
counter = 1
while finalName is None:
name = userName + str(counter).zfill(15)
fullName = prefix + name + suffix
if fullName.lower() not in existing:
finalName = fullName
counter += 1
if counter >= 999999999999999:
# if there is a clash, go to the next fallback
if finalName is None:
finalName = handleClash2(existing, prefix, suffix)
# finished
return finalName
def handleClash2(existing=[], prefix="", suffix=""):
existing should be a case-insensitive list
of all existing file names.
>>> prefix = ("0" * 5) + "."
>>> suffix = "." + ("0" * 10)
>>> existing = [prefix + str(i) + suffix for i in range(100)]
>>> e = list(existing)
>>> handleClash2(existing=e, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)
>>> e = list(existing)
>>> e.remove(prefix + "1" + suffix)
>>> handleClash2(existing=e, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)
>>> e = list(existing)
>>> e.remove(prefix + "2" + suffix)
>>> handleClash2(existing=e, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)
# calculate the longest possible string
maxLength = maxFileNameLength - len(prefix) - len(suffix)
maxValue = int("9" * maxLength)
# try to find a number
finalName = None
counter = 1
while finalName is None:
fullName = prefix + str(counter) + suffix
if fullName.lower() not in existing:
finalName = fullName
counter += 1
if counter >= maxValue:
# raise an error if nothing has been found
if finalName is None:
raise NameTranslationError("No unique name could be found.")
# finished
return finalName
Identifiers are optional attributes of several objects in the UFO. These identifiers are required to be unique within certain contexts as defined on a per object basis throughout this specification. Identifiers are specified as a string between one and 100 characters long. All characters must be in the printable ASCII range, 0x20 to 0x7E.
There is no standard identifier generation algorithm. Random strings, simple numbers, UUIDs, time stamps and more may be used. An example algorithm for generating identifiers that are random strings is detailed below.
Example Algorithm
This algorithm is designed to generate a unique identifier that is a unique string consisting of 10 characters from 0-9, A-Z and a-z. This allows a glyph to contain 1062 points that follow this identifier naming scheme.
- possible characters includes 0-9, A-Z and a-z.
- existing identifiers is a list of all existing identifiers in the glyph.
- identifier a 10 character long string of characters randomly selected from possible characters.
- If identifier is not in existing identifiers:
- Stop.
- If identifier is in existing identifiers:
- Repeat this process until a unique identifier is found.
Example implementation:
import random
characters = list("0123456789")
characters += list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
identifierLength = 10
identifierRange = range(identifierLength)
def makeRandomIdentifier(existing, recursionDepth=0):
if recursionDepth >= 50:
raise NotImplementedError,\
"Failed 50 times in a row to create a unique id. Sorry."
identifier = []
for i in identifierRange:
c = random.choice(characters)
identifier = "".join(identifier)
if identifier in existing:
return makeRandomIdentifier(existing, recursionDepth+1)
return identifier